Michele DeMarco, PhDDying in Silence, Living Through LaughterResearch shows that humor can increase connectedness, hope, identity, and empowermentJun 1, 202450Jun 1, 202450
Michele DeMarco, PhDWhat You Don’t Know About Grief and LossA healthy, new approach to an age-old human struggle.Dec 29, 202381310Dec 29, 202381310
Michele DeMarco, PhDHolidays Are Not Always ‘The Most Wonderful Time’Top four holiday stressors and how manage them.Dec 14, 202357Dec 14, 202357
Michele DeMarco, PhDThe ‘Write’ Way to HealTen practices for transforming emotional pain and re-authoring your life.Nov 12, 202396220Nov 12, 202396220
InElementalbyMichele DeMarco, PhD6 Underestimated Drivers of Well-BeingResearch shows these psychospiritual forces may be critically important for decreasing risk of illness and death and boosting overall…Oct 31, 20219748Oct 31, 20219748
Michele DeMarco, PhDChicken Soup Feeds Our Hunger for ConnectionJust thinking about comfort foods can reduce lonelinessOct 30, 20211382Oct 30, 20211382
InInvisible IllnessbyMichele DeMarco, PhDIf You’re Feeling World-Wearied, You May Have “Weltschmerz”Weltschmerz describes the gut punch we get from realizing that the world keeps falling short of our expectations. What this means for your…Mar 27, 2021332Mar 27, 2021332
Michele DeMarco, PhDThe Same Life That Brings Pain Also Brings JoyAdversity has a way of making us loom and gloom. Here’s how to recalibrate.Jun 7, 20211031Jun 7, 20211031
InElementalbyMichele DeMarco, PhDWhen It Comes to Painful Emotions, Don’t Think — Just FeelSome things are just sadJan 8, 20212.6K16Jan 8, 20212.6K16
Michele DeMarco, PhD“Without Music, Life Would Be A Mistake.”Why Nietzsche knew music is cheaper than therapyJun 30, 202017Jun 30, 202017
InCuriousbyMichele DeMarco, PhDSwim Towards the LightLife lessons from my not-so-zen dadJun 30, 20201721Jun 30, 20201721
InElementalbyMichele DeMarco, PhDThe PTSD-like Affliction That’s Traumatizing Health Care WorkersThe invisible wounds of moral injury run deep for those on the front linesJul 10, 20205153Jul 10, 20205153
InHeartSupportbyMichele DeMarco, PhD“Surviving” Isn’t Always LivingThese 3 Harmful Personas Block ResilienceMar 31, 20213211Mar 31, 20213211
Michele DeMarco, PhDThe Art and Science of Courage“Courage is found in the quiet moment between stimulus and response, and only when we keep ourselves in a grounded, intentional place of…Feb 10, 20211231Feb 10, 20211231
InInvisible IllnessbyMichele DeMarco, PhDWhen Words Fail — How to Help Someone Who is Grieving11 Things to do — and NOT do — to ensure that your relationship stays in tact.Feb 20, 2021361Feb 20, 2021361
InHeartSupportbyMichele DeMarco, PhDBouncing Back: How a Special Forces Vet Found Life After Killing His Best FriendThere’s a good reason why “Think happy thoughts” or “Just get over it” doesn’t work for some types of of trauma, like moral injury and…Mar 30, 20212391Mar 30, 20212391